Contactless Ordering App - Abu Dhabi

Especially during the Covid period, the Contactless Ordering App is used widely. And presently it has become a part and parcel for all. This online ordering pattern is safe and easy to use. By scanning you not only order food but can pay instantly. The family at home feels happy to be served by the restaurant at their doorstep with hot, fresh, and delicious food. This qr code has kept the restaurants to remain active at that time and also present.

Benefits of Contactless Menu:-

1. QR code-based menu prevents sharing of menu between customers.
2. Minimum interaction between the staff and customer
3. Increased order values
4. Reduce the printing menu cost using a QR Code Digital Menu
5. Quite safe and secured for all
6. Easy to update the menu whenever required

Generate Orders in 3 Easy Steps
Showcase Digital Menu
1. Manages the order and delivery system
2. Easily integrated into the website or app of the restaurant.
3. Avail a security system and data is protected.
4. Can be implemented easily in every single restaurant.
5. Customer data is stored, managed, and maintained automatically.
Order Process
1. Restaurant admin is facilitated to grab the right customers.
2. Permit the customers to share their feedback online/offline.
3. Gives convenience to run a marketing campaign to increase sales.
4. Keep up and supply a detailed insight into restaurant performance.
5. Allows customers to win and get cash-back their loyalty points.
Bill Payment
1. Give consent to work on your own terms and conditions.
2. Set the minimum and maximum redeem limit for the earned rewards.
3. To engage more customers, a third-party reference is used.
4. Customers are informed via SMS or Email about their earned reward points.
5. Fetch the actual and overall marketing insights smartly.
Would love to connect and share a demo of the online QR codes. Anyone can contact the executives at the office to get in details of the Contactless Menu and can avail of it. Get in touch and read the specialty of our company.
Website -
To schedule a direct meeting:
Email: [email protected]
Call: +1-(979)-599-0896 , +91-9667584436
WhatsApp - +91- 9667584436

Posted on : 2 years ago, #118963, 19 views, Edit

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