Concrete Steel Fixing & Shuttering Carpenter Work Company Ajman Sharjah Dubai - Sharjah
Dear Sir Madam Good day, I will offer you we are Specially ABM Building Contracting Company We Provide Personal Villa –Hotel – High Rise Building – Labor Camp – Warehouse Constriction Services is one of the fastest growing companies in Ajman Dubai Sharjah UAE providing All Constriction & Maintenance services in United Arab Emirates ABM Building Cont & Maintenance Services - is a firm specialized in all types of New Building Basement Shuttering Carpentering and Steel Foxier Top to Bottom Constriction Services and Interior & Exterior Decoration Painting work- Electrical Work- Plumbing Work- Roof Floor waterproofing work- Gypsum carpenter & False Ceiling Work. we provide facility Building Contraction and Maintenance services in different business sectors like Commercial & Residential buildings Personal Villa - Hospitals- Hotels- Labor Camps- Shopping Malls etc.
Call us now for a quote on +971503828970
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